This is a page where you may submit any pretty graphics you have made for use on Elftown's Official Pages (that is, any wiki-page that has the green banner at the top of it, like this one does). We like Elftown to look pretty, so we want to encourage you to make us pretty graphics we can use on our pages. For an example of nifty webart, see the
Patrollers page.
Moderators: [Stephen] & [windowframe]
1. The work must be your own, obviously - no stealing the art of others.
2. The webart shouldn't be too big or too small - we want them to decorate the pages, not dominate them. So please make your images no bigger than 300x300 pixels. (you might get away with making them slightly wider, but definitely no taller!)
3. The quality of the images should be good - no photos taken on your camera, or drawings on lined paper.
4. The background of your image needs to be transparent, so make your file a .png.
5. You may make webart for official pages that already have them - we can always change what webart we use if we like yours better.
6. Badges will only be awarded if we actually use your image, sorry.
7. Not all official pages will need webart - Contest pages for instance, or other pages that are very long already. If you're unsure about whether the page you want to make webart for is suitable or not, just ask, or check the list of
Pages that need Webart.
8. Submit your entries on this page.